DRAFT 07.24.08
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Total Coliform Rule / Distribution System Advisory Committee
St. Gregory Hotel
2033 M St NW
Washington, DC 20036
July 30-31, 2008
Meeting Objectives/Desired Outcomes:
• Discuss and reach agreement on revisions to the Total Coliform Rule, including
rule construct, monitoring provisions, system categories, trigger levels,
investigation and corrective action, violations and public notification, etc;
• Discuss and reach agreement on priorities and coordination mechanisms for
research and information collection concerning distribution systems; and
• Discuss ratification process for final agreement in principle.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
8:30-9:00 Arrival
9:00-9:30 Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Objectives and Agenda
Objective: Review desired outcomes, agenda and materials for this meeting.
9:30-10:30 Discussion I: Introduction to 3.0, Rule Construct, and Analytical Methods
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- Definition of sanitary defect (Section 3.1)
Other possible discussion topics:
- Introduction to Section 3.0
- Analytical methods, e.g. (Section 3.2)
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2
10:30-10:45 Break
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10:45-12:00 Discussion II: Transition to New Rule and Baseline/Reduced Monitoring
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- Transition and reduced monitoring provisions for community water systems
on groundwater serving 1,000 persons or fewer (Section 3.3 and 3.4.c), e.g.:
- transition provisions
- definition of clean compliance history
- cross-connection option language
- disinfection residual option language
Other possible discussion topics:
- Monitoring provisions for other system types (Sections 3.4.a and b, 3.4.d-f)
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 3.3 and 3.4
12:00-1:15 Lunch (on your own, time for caucuses)
1:15-2:00 Discussion III: Repeat Monitoring, Additional Routine Monitoring, and Sample
Siting Plans
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- None identified prior to the meeting
Other possible discussion topics:
- Sampling at entry point to distribution systems (Section 3.7.c)
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7
2:00-3:00 Discussion IV: Assessments, Corrective Action and Documentation
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- Assessment checklists (Attachments)
- Consultation on corrective action (section 3.9)
Other possible discussion topics:
- Timing to complete assessments (Section 3.8.b.2 and 3.8.c.2)
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10
3:00-3:15 Break
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3:15-4:00 Discussion V: Violations and Public Notification
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- Definition of EC MCL violation (Section 3.11.b and Table)
Other possible discussion topics:
- Other comments on proposed language for section 3.11
4:00-5:00 Discussion VI: Operator Training/Certification, Linkage to Other Rules, Reporting
and Recordkeeping, Primacy Provisions, Optimizing Distribution System Integrity
and Other
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- Optimizing distribution system integrity (Section 3.16)
- Additions to “other”, e.g. consolidation of sanitary survey requirements,
timing of guidance, SDWIS update, performance measures (Section 3.17)
Other possible discussion topics:
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 3.11 to 3.17
5:00-5:30 Public Comment
5:30-7:00 Break for Dinner
7:00-9:00 Discussion VII: Complete Discussion of Revisions to the TCR
[carry-over time, if needed]
Thursday, July 31, 2008
8:00-8:30 Arrival
8:30-8:45 Review Today’s Agenda
Objective: Reflections on Day One discussions and review desired outcomes,
agenda and materials for this meeting. Review and approve Mayl meeting summary.
8:45-10:30 Discussion VIII: Research and Information Collection Recommendations
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues still under discussion:
Other possible discussion topics:
- Other comments on proposed language for section 4
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10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Discussion IX: General Discussion
Objective: Discuss any remaining issues and/or review proposals from small groups
for language to resolve issues that arose during the meeting.
12:00-1:15 Lunch (on your own)
1:15-2:45 Discussion X: General Provisions and Ratification Process
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues still under discussion:
- Process and schedule for final ratification
Other possible discussion topics:
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 1.0 and 2.0
2:45-3:00 Recap and Discuss Next Steps
Objective: Summarize decisions made and next steps in concluding the work of the
3:00 Adjourn
NOTE: This draft agenda was prepared by the facilitators for review by the Total Coliform Rule Distribution System
Advisory Committee. The Total Coliform Rule Distribution System Advisory Committee is a federal advisory committee
chartered by Congress, operating under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA; 5 U.S.C., App.2). The committee
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provides advice to the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on revisions to the Total Coliform
Rule (TCR), and on what information about distribution systems is needed to better understand the public health impact
from the degradation of drinking water quality in distribution systems. The findings and recommendations of the
Committee do not represent the views of the Agency, and this document does not represent information approved or
disseminated by EPA.
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Total Coliform Rule / Distribution System Advisory Committee
St. Gregory Hotel
2033 M St NW
Washington, DC 20036
July 30-31, 2008
Meeting Objectives/Desired Outcomes:
• Discuss and reach agreement on revisions to the Total Coliform Rule, including
rule construct, monitoring provisions, system categories, trigger levels,
investigation and corrective action, violations and public notification, etc;
• Discuss and reach agreement on priorities and coordination mechanisms for
research and information collection concerning distribution systems; and
• Discuss ratification process for final agreement in principle.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
8:30-9:00 Arrival
9:00-9:30 Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Objectives and Agenda
Objective: Review desired outcomes, agenda and materials for this meeting.
9:30-10:30 Discussion I: Introduction to 3.0, Rule Construct, and Analytical Methods
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- Definition of sanitary defect (Section 3.1)
Other possible discussion topics:
- Introduction to Section 3.0
- Analytical methods, e.g. (Section 3.2)
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2
10:30-10:45 Break
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10:45-12:00 Discussion II: Transition to New Rule and Baseline/Reduced Monitoring
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- Transition and reduced monitoring provisions for community water systems
on groundwater serving 1,000 persons or fewer (Section 3.3 and 3.4.c), e.g.:
- transition provisions
- definition of clean compliance history
- cross-connection option language
- disinfection residual option language
Other possible discussion topics:
- Monitoring provisions for other system types (Sections 3.4.a and b, 3.4.d-f)
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 3.3 and 3.4
12:00-1:15 Lunch (on your own, time for caucuses)
1:15-2:00 Discussion III: Repeat Monitoring, Additional Routine Monitoring, and Sample
Siting Plans
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- None identified prior to the meeting
Other possible discussion topics:
- Sampling at entry point to distribution systems (Section 3.7.c)
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7
2:00-3:00 Discussion IV: Assessments, Corrective Action and Documentation
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- Assessment checklists (Attachments)
- Consultation on corrective action (section 3.9)
Other possible discussion topics:
- Timing to complete assessments (Section 3.8.b.2 and 3.8.c.2)
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10
3:00-3:15 Break
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3:15-4:00 Discussion V: Violations and Public Notification
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- Definition of EC MCL violation (Section 3.11.b and Table)
Other possible discussion topics:
- Other comments on proposed language for section 3.11
4:00-5:00 Discussion VI: Operator Training/Certification, Linkage to Other Rules, Reporting
and Recordkeeping, Primacy Provisions, Optimizing Distribution System Integrity
and Other
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues identified for discussion:
- Optimizing distribution system integrity (Section 3.16)
- Additions to “other”, e.g. consolidation of sanitary survey requirements,
timing of guidance, SDWIS update, performance measures (Section 3.17)
Other possible discussion topics:
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 3.11 to 3.17
5:00-5:30 Public Comment
5:30-7:00 Break for Dinner
7:00-9:00 Discussion VII: Complete Discussion of Revisions to the TCR
[carry-over time, if needed]
Thursday, July 31, 2008
8:00-8:30 Arrival
8:30-8:45 Review Today’s Agenda
Objective: Reflections on Day One discussions and review desired outcomes,
agenda and materials for this meeting. Review and approve Mayl meeting summary.
8:45-10:30 Discussion VIII: Research and Information Collection Recommendations
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues still under discussion:
Other possible discussion topics:
- Other comments on proposed language for section 4
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10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Discussion IX: General Discussion
Objective: Discuss any remaining issues and/or review proposals from small groups
for language to resolve issues that arose during the meeting.
12:00-1:15 Lunch (on your own)
1:15-2:45 Discussion X: General Provisions and Ratification Process
Objective: Review proposed language for agreement in principle and resolve
remaining issues based on consultation with member organizations.
Issues still under discussion:
- Process and schedule for final ratification
Other possible discussion topics:
- Other comments on proposed language for sections 1.0 and 2.0
2:45-3:00 Recap and Discuss Next Steps
Objective: Summarize decisions made and next steps in concluding the work of the
3:00 Adjourn
NOTE: This draft agenda was prepared by the facilitators for review by the Total Coliform Rule Distribution System
Advisory Committee. The Total Coliform Rule Distribution System Advisory Committee is a federal advisory committee
chartered by Congress, operating under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA; 5 U.S.C., App.2). The committee
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provides advice to the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on revisions to the Total Coliform
Rule (TCR), and on what information about distribution systems is needed to better understand the public health impact
from the degradation of drinking water quality in distribution systems. The findings and recommendations of the
Committee do not represent the views of the Agency, and this document does not represent information approved or
disseminated by EPA.
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